Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Canada Day fireworks...a few days late

Since the weather was less than hospitable on Canada the fireworks were postponed until last night. They were reputed to be the best fireworks display in Canada this year, or at least that was what the Q104 morning crew were saying, and they don't lie. So last night a bunch of us went out to see what all the fuss was about and I must say they were really good. The best I've seen in a long time. They were launching the fireworks over Bedford and unfortunately from our vantage point some of them weren't visible but, all the same, the finale was incredible. Nice to see our tax dollars going to good use :-) Kinda makes you think though really wouldn't that money be better spent if it were used for something like education or health care or one of the many other important areas of government. On a side note, this past weekend I went camping...despite the rain. We all got really wet but it was a lot of fun. I haven't gone camping since I was a kid. Hopefully we'll all be able to get out again sometime this summer and hopefully this time the weather will co-operate.


Blogger Michael Powell said...

Now I suddenly feel like going and getting some donuts :-) Remember we all have to go camping sometime. We've been planning this for years now and it's high time we put this plan into action.

5:11 AM  
Blogger Michael Powell said...

Oh and when are you getting a blog? I'm anxiously awaiting to read about your adventures.

5:12 AM  
Blogger dan carlson said...

hey mike.

glad that you got to enjoy the fireworks. they were pretty good here too in ottawa (apparently all of canada pays for our fireworks ; - )). and if you feel like going camping next weekend, and feel like driving 14 hours, we're going to the adirondacks (in NY state). hope the east coast is treating you well!

8:06 AM  
Blogger Michael Powell said...

Cool I would go, if of course it wasn't 14 hrs away :-P

12:41 PM  

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